Dr. Kim Allen

Dr. Kim Allen is an accomplished professional in Information Technology, Spiritual Leadership, and Education. With specialties in planning, professional development, adult education, and small group leadership, she develops and presents curricula, mentors women who need technical skills to return to the workplace, and assists other spiritual leaders in facilitating life-changing materials.

  Dr. Allen received her Master's degree in Business Computer Information Systems Management and Doctorate of Theology while working full time, pastoring, raising a family, leading small groups, and mentoring students. In addition, through online education, Dr. Allen has provided curriculum resources worldwide.

Dr. Allen brings her title Crushing Insecurity: Pushing Boundaries and Pursuing Dreams to Fusion Hybrid Publishing this Fall!

Hurried. Intimidated. Emotionally drained. Many women face experiences and challenges that shake their self-confidence, inhibit their effectiveness, and leave them questioning their faith. Just as fear is the enemy of faith, a lack of self-confidence is the adversary of purpose. Most of us can pull from past experiences and find offense, betrayal, intimidation, and pain. But with the right motivation, women can become empowered and discover their value. Too often they sabotage their self-confidence and fail to understand the importance of commanding their courage.  Crushing Insecurity was written with the goal of providing real-life examples, and spiritual and practical applications to overcome obstacles and have a self-confident life.


Michelle Curran


Shannon Cook