Gena B. McCown

Gena B. McCown has served in a ministry leadership capacity for over twenty years, including her current role as the women’s ministry educator at Christian Leaders Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She has also spent the last ten years mentoring and supporting future ministry leaders through the Women’s Ministry Council & LeadHer Conference. A native of south Florida, Gena and her husband of twenty years, Justin, have three daughters: Casey, Shelby, and Naomi. Learn more about Gena at

She brings the End Game Press family her nonfiction book She’s Still Here and She’s Still Struggling to Serve.

In 1976 Virginia Hearn published her book Our Struggle to Serve, exploring the difficulties facing emerging women leaders in the early church.  Over forty years later, research and personal accounts illuminate that women are still struggling to serve faithfully and fully with their spiritual gifts in the modern local church. In Still Here: and Still Struggling to Serve, Gena revisits Hearn's text to explore the common themes from her leaders to the leaders of today. Looking through history, examining Scripture, and tackling the hard topics head on, Gena unravels the roots of our struggles and points to hope.


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